Ashfold Independent Prep School in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
Shown here are two of the six oak boards that we made to display the names of pupils awarded scholarships since 1998.
Two of the new boards have been supplied full of winners names, the third is shown here partly full,
the remaining three boards display just the school name and crest and await invitingly the future recipients of scholarship awards.
Ashfold Prep School occupies Dorton House noted for ornate plasterwork and oak panelling.
One large room with high ceilings and panelling on all walls to a height of about four feet
was chosen to display the boards, our boards would be mounted above the panelling.
Our honour boards needed to be sufficiently decorative to harmonise with this room and more importantly,
be the right colour. Special colour samples were produced that could be viewed at distance within the room
as an aid to establishing the best tone. To cut a long story short we got their in the end after seven or eight attempts.
The school badges are cut from exterior grade materials.
To do this we redrew the badge in vector format and produced finished examples
in varying shades of maroon, plum and burgundy to help the client choose the right colour
and to check that we had re-drawn their badge correctly
For more information about methods of reproducing school crests and logos badges, please click on this link,
methods of reproducing school crests and logos.
Ashfold Prep School scholarships award honour board made from oak