Honour Boards for School Sports Captains

Cathedral school in Llandaff, Cardiff chose this golden oak colour to display the names of all of the school sports captains for all of the seven sports practised and played by the school.
Crown cut timber produces beautiful pattern on this captains honour board Many golds and detail shown in this Welsh school crest
This board is quite narrow; 450mm wide by 900mm wide. I find it extremely elegant in these 2:1 proportions.
We cut the timber to allow the grain pattern to complement or emphasise the board shape.
The grain pattern is very much part of the design of the board and can add or subtract from the pleasing effect.

This Cathedral School crest shown below uses seven different shades and textures of gold, red and green to produce this vector cut school logo.

For more information about methods of reproducing school crests and logos badges, please click on this link,
methods of reproducing school crests and logos.

Oak grain pattern adds substantially to the finished appearance of this school sports captains honour board in Cardiff.