On Sunday, October 13th, 2019 this commemorative roll of honour was unveiled by Major General Sir Evelyn Webb-Carter
This is a large board measuring 2400mm x 1200mm, it is mounted onto an internal wall in the foyer of Lechlade Memorial Hall.
Preceding the dedication at the top of board the title line has the addition of a black outline to the gold,
the inscription is in Florentine gold lettering.
This new roll of honour board was unveiled in Lechlade Memorial Hall to replace the original board which was lost in a fire that destroyed the hall a few years previously.
The new board lists all of those from Lechlade and nearby who died in the Great War, the Second World War and in the 1950's in Kenya.
Roll of Honour board at Lechlade Memorial Hall
This large oak framed commemorative roll of honour was produced for Lechlade Memorial Hall, Gloucestershire.
Lechlade Memorial Hall Roll of Honour
The board lists the names with details of their rank, service number, regiment and date of death.
There is no single, established way of presenting the names and other information on a memorial board,
this is most heavily influenced by the information available to the compiler of the names
and the space available on the board without making the lettering too small to be easily read at some distance.
Whatever the wording on the board and however it is arranged or prioritised the only aspect of it that really matters is that the information is accurate
in this case, we have the author and military historian Paul Cobb who researched an compiled the names to thank for the diligent preparation involved.
The funding of projects like this is often a challenge, the fund raising was generously assisted by the combined contributions of local county and district councillors,
Lechlade Town Council plus grants from both the Wiltshire and Cheltenham & Gloucester branches of The Western Front Association 1914-18.
It is mounted onto an internal wall in the foyer of Lechlade Memorial Hall, replacing the original which was lost in a fire that destroyed the hall a few years previously, this board
measures 2400mm x 1200mm and was unveiled by Major General Sir Evelyn Webb-Carter on Sunday, October 13th, 2019.
The new roll of honour lists all of those from Lechlade and nearby who died in the Great War, the Second World War and later in Kenya.
The board lists the names with details of their rank, service number, regiment and date of death.
There is no single, established way of presenting the names and other information on a memorial board,
this is most heavily influenced by the information available to the compiler of the names
and the space available on the board without making the lettering too small to be easily read at some distance.
Whatever the wording on the board and however it is arranged or prioritised the only aspect of it that really matters is that the information is accurate
and we have the author and military historian Paul Cobb who researched an compiled the names to thank for this.
The funding of projects like this is often a challenge and in this case was generously assisted by the combined contributions of local county and district councillors,
Lechlade Town Council plus grants from both the Wiltshire and Cheltenham & Gloucester branches of The Western Front Association 1914-18.