Honour Boards for Oxbridge Places

One of three oak veneered honours boards supplied to the Bishop Challoner Catholic Federation of Schools.
Oak school honours board with names of those winning Oxbridge places Oval shaped logo reproduced for Bishop Challoner Catholic School honours board

Bishop Challoner Catholic Federation of Schools

Each board measures 1800mm high X 1200mm wide X 19mm thick and is finished in a two shades of wood dye providing a contrasting edge which creates a visual frame, a gold borderline defines the two areas of colour. The honour boards provided were to acknowledge principals of the school since 1969, head girls and boys, and those achieving Oxbridge places. We have also produced Bishop Challoner School with four toughened glass boards over the years to display the names of those winning music scholarships and drama and art awards.

The school logo/emblem has been reproduced using dye-sublimation printing
onto an archive material that should remain colour fast for more than fifty years.
The quality of the original artwork supplied to us to print was not quite good enough
to produce a really crisp print.
We drew a new vector version which produced a finished print with absolutely no pixellation or anti-aliasing visible.

For more information about methods of reproducing school crests and logos badges, please click on this link,
methods of reproducing school crests, emblems and logos.

Winners of Oxbridge Places from Bishop Challoner School.