Easy to change system for school house competition honours board at Kingston Grammar School

This house competition honours board is unusual in that it has removable and interchangeable panels
displaying house names, competition types and points scored.
School house championship honours board made for Kingston Grammar Magnetic panels being fixed to a school house championship board Hand painted 3D cast relief polyurethene school badge

House Competition Honours Boards.

Framed in solid oak moulded from 55mm X 45mm timber, overall dimensions are 1500mm X 1250mm X 55mm.

The lettering used for the title, subtitles and house names is permanently fixed to the honours board,
all other wording and numerals is permanently adhered to small individual magnetic panels 6mm thick.
The magnetic panels are attracted to a ferrous material attached permanently to the board, you can see
this feature in the images further down the page.

Two smaller rectangular boards were also supplied. These display the names of the winning houses
since 1914 until now, there is sufficient empty space to allow future winning house names to be
added until 2059.

A little bit about Kingston Grammar School.
An independent school for boys and girls between the ages of 11 to 18.
Granted a Royal Charter by Queen Elizabeth 1, the school was founded in 1561, becoming a direct grant grammar school
in 1946 and subsequently, independent in 1978.

If you're interested and would like to know more about Kingston Grammar School, their website is www.kgs.org.uk .

The school badge or crest is made in relief from cast resin and is significantly more able withstand
accidental knocks when compared to its plaster equivalent.

For more information about methods of reproducing school crests and logos badges, please click on this link,
methods of reproducing school crests and logos.

House competition honour boards that have easy to remove, replace and update, interchangeable information.