Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church

This honours board lists the parish priests who have been the incumbents since 1921 at this
Catholic Church in the fishing village of Mumbles, South Wales.

Mahogany is something of rare and protected species of timber these days but we can get
something that looks pretty close using a similarly coloured timber such as Sapele or, as in this case,
oak and then carefully dyeing it to the typically deep reddy brown that we generally
associate with mahogany.

The board is made from a veneered panel, the cross at top was cut from the same sheet of
material so that it is part of the board and not simply stuck on. The cross along with the rest
of the board was edge veneered before being gilded with three coats of 23 carat gold leaf.

Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church

This honours board lists the parish priests who have been the incumbents since 1921 at this Catholic Church in the fishing village of Mumbles, South Wales.
The names of parish priests are recorded in gold on deep reddy brown oak in this church in Wales.
Parish priests of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Mumbles, South Wales.

Types of Borders & Frames

This incumbents board has a simple visual frame rather than a physical frame.
The purpose of a frame is sometimes structural but often it is there simply to
act as a border that restrains the viewer's eye from wandering and focuses their attention.
In this case a simple gold borderline functions as a frame.

For further information regarding the various types and methods of framing, please click on this link,
Techniques and types of framing.

Golden oak honours board made for Cathedral School, Llandaff, Cardiff, Wales.